Just as Mrs. Claus has her patented paranormal Eggnog, so does Santa have his own bewitching beverage. It’s known as Santa’s Enchanted Christmas Elixir. Through a mystical process that channels Saint Nicholas’s angelic grace, he transforms the enchanted energy of The Christmas Spirit into a metaphysical matter liquid form. That luxurious liquid is aged during the 12 days of Christmas in clear glass bottles basking in the holy light of The Christmas Star that gleams brightly in the North Pole skies. Afterward, Elf Dust, Sugar Plum Fairy Dust, and Frosty The Snowman’s snow are added to the mix. The bottle is blessed by Old Saint Nick and chilled by Jack Frost and will stay perpetually cold even with the lid off. The lid is sealed for the journey home by Rudolph’s Red Nose.
You must drink it directly from the bottle if you want a cold refreshing treat. Worry not for no germs can remain on or in the bottle. Even if you had the Black Plague it would not transfer! Once you pour the liquid into a cup it turns steaming hot but will go to a comfortable warm beverage once let to rest for a few minutes. It’s said to instantly cure hypothermia and can warm even the coldest of souls. It gives instant feelings of all things good and makes you believe it’s Christmas even in July! It can also heal a variety of maladies and repel the forces of darkness due to its deeply holy nature. Read The Rest Of The Story…