Greeting to all with the Spirit Of Christmas dwelling within them! Feel free to ask any question about Me, my family, North Pole City, or Christmas in general. Unfortunately, I can’t fulfil personal requests here because of the Supernatural Secrecy Pact. This includes requests to visit North Pole City, having me visit you, personally contact you, healing health issues, and fulfilling other wishes. Even as a Demi-Angel I still have higher powers I must answer to, and I could get in trouble for any violations of Universal Laws. If various enchanted events are meant to happen then fate will make it so. Please send your Christmas wish list by postal mail only. My Elves can get very ornery when their official gift production system isn’t adhered to.
In recent years I’ve been extremely busy. If I don’t reply then try asking AI Santa Claus a question. He was created by uploading aspect of my mind to a computer with aid of The Christmas Spirit and enchanted elf computer programmers who specialize in artificial intelligence. You can find it on Instagram… Thank you, and Merry Christmas!