Santa Claus and his wife Holly Claus began Easter morning by welcoming approximately 100 lucky children to an Easter egg hunt at North Pole City. These kids were chosen by raffle from a pool of thousands. Those whose parents are members of the paranormal community from all around the world. Many of us in that secret community get the privilege of getting glorious gifts from Santa at Christmas, and sometimes being invited to special North Pole events hosted by the Holy Father Christmas. This is a reward to the unsung heroes who battle the forces of supernatural evil in the shadows just out of view of the average human. They don’t do it for glory or recognition. Only to help humankind. Although they do enjoy the enchanted side of the supernatural to recuperate from their terrifying trials.
The North Pole City Easter Egg Hunt
The egg hunt is a part of the Enchanted Easter Festival which includes a variety of rides, games, and refreshments not seen anywhere on Earth! The apex is the Sunday night Easter banquet where the Easter Bunny himself is invited as the guest of honor. The top 3 winners of the Easter Egg Hunt get to spend a week at Claus Manor as Santa’s personal guests along with a special late afternoon Easter luncheon with the Easter Bunny. There’s also a sleigh ride to the Easter Bunny’s hidden Easter Village in the Black Forest of Germany. No matter who wins all children get an elegant Easter basket full of toys made by Elves and treats directly from the Easter Bunny. Among the festivities, the Easter bunnies baby chicks, and baby bunny helpers hop happily about playing with the kids.🐇 Read The Rest At Mystic Investigations Christmas Blog…