I’m proud to announce this year’s twelve nominees of my Claus Award For Excellence In Deeds Of Goodness & Bravery. My recognition, and reward for those who give of themselves in the battle against the forces of darkness, the quest for peace, and the betterment of humanity. Often times the award goes to an organization rather than an individual. In that case the award is accepted by the leader of the group. In addition the central award can only go to someone who actually lives on Earth in physical form. Although there is a special award for higher dimensional deities as well. Unfortunately The Supernatural Secrecy Pact prevents me from presenting the award to someone without knowledge of the real paranormal world. The lucky nominees are as follows:
- Amazon Warrior Princess Adonia | Amazon Rain Forest Brazil (2015 WINNER!)
- McTavish International Academy Of Magical Sciences | Headmaster Sorcerer Ian McTavish | Scotland (2014 Winner)
- Mystic Investigations | President Xavier Remington | Colorado, USA (2012 Winner)
- The Wizard Oliver Gladstone | Canada
- Agamemnon Investigations | President Anastacia Castellanos | Greece
- Yucatán Supernatural Sociedad | President Pepe Lopez | Mexico
- Tanzania Psychokinetic College | Headmaster Akuchi Okeke | Tanzania
- Xu Paranormal Associates | President Zhang Xu | China |
- The Parisian PSI’s | Commander Jacques Bissette
- Texas Supernatural Anti-Terror Society | President Diana Robespierre | Texas
- ZombieCorp, Inc | President Lee Sampson | California
- The Good Witch Rexella Vanderwall | Russia
The Winner Of The 2015 Claus Award Is Amazon Warrior Princess Adonia From The Amazon Rainforest In Brazil! Her Wonder Woman-like aid in the cause of repelling the forces of darkness went above, and beyond what any one person should be capable of. Adonia I commend you, and pray for you to continue your just cause in the quest of helping humankind!
The 2015 Special Claus Lifetime Achievement Award will be presented to the Actor and Humanitarian Keanu Reeves for his continued fight against the forces of evil for over 2000 years! Santa is excited to meet someone older than him for a change!
The 2015 Claus Enchanted Entities Award will go to the Norse Gods Odin, Frigga, and Thor for a variety of good deeds including the banishment of the dreaded Friday The 13th Demon Specter.
The 2015 Claus Awards will take place at the North Pole City Banquet Hall on December 30th at 7:00 PM North Pole Standard Time. Those of you unable to attend can be there in spirit by merely wishing for it before you go to sleep, and you’ll be there in astral form as you dream. Of course if there’s no room for you to materialize in the banquet hall you’ll really be there only in non-corporeal spirit! 🙂
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