On June 10, 2021 northern regions, including the North Pole, experienced an Annular Solar Eclipse. An Annular Eclipse occurs when the Moon is far enough away to not completely block out the sun thus creating an alluring Ring Of Fire around it. The light from such an eclipse is unholy in nature due to being filtered through the Moon. Naturally, Santa Claus can’t have an unholy light cascading across the holiest place on Earth. Therefore The Eclipse Of Enchantment Ceremony takes place to cleanse the light and bless it holy. In his capacity as Saint Nicholas, and the world’s only Demi-Angel, he partakes of the sacred ritual to call upon the Angels of Heaven.
As the holy ritual takes place an armada of white glimmering lights dance downward from the skies amid an orchestra of the most beautiful music ever heard on Earth! This lasted for the entire 3 minutes and 37 seconds the complete eclipse lasted (Complete Eclipse Duration: 2 hours, 13 minutes). The paranormal process causes the holy metaphysical energies of Heaven to make the Ring Of Fire powerfully holy! The lights enchanted energy then mega charges the cloaking and protection spells of North Pole City. This reserves more power for The Christmas Spirit in its quest for righteousness on Earth. Afterward, a grand celebration takes place! This includes the awarding of the Enchanted Eclipse Ring to one worthy individual. Anyone who wears it is said to have protection and luck above what would normally be expected. Read More Here…