In general Elves were created by the Gods and Goddesses of Mother Nature. They were physical paranormal creatures meant to be happy helpers of various deities including Fairies. They were made of diminutive stature in order to aid in hiding from humankind when necessary. As their numbers grew some Elfin groups went off to pursue their unique interests and hone specific talents. Those who became Santa’s Elves were those who enjoyed repairing and making things for humans. Toys in particular.
There were originally 8 Elves that would travel about Europe and far west Asia gifting toys to kids in the middle of the night. Not long after the founding of North Pole City, that number increased to 100. They derived joy from making children happy. It was fate when they happened across Santa Claus several centuries ago. They immediately came under the spell of Saint Nicholas’s Angelic aura and volunteered to join him on his epic journey! A merciful mission of spreading peace and good cheer upon the Earth. Santa personally blessed and enchanted his Elves holy. Santa’s Elves are more powerful than any other type of Elf on the planet. This is because they have a direct metaphysical line to the Spirit Of Christmas and the powers of the Demi-Angel Claus.
Are Santa’s Elves Immortal?

Chief Elf Elmer
Santa’s Elves and Elves in general are usually considered Immortal since one has never been known to die by natural means. However, they do appear to age in an extremely slow manner. The Chief Elf Elmer is the oldest Elf at nearly 200,000 years of age. Exponentially older than Santa Claus’s 1,750+ years of age. Elmer is so old he actually existed in the advanced civilization of Eden portrayed in The Bible as the primitive Garden Of Eden. He appears to be in his late 60’s. It’s thought the maximum age for an Elf is just under 1 million years old!
All of Santa’s little Elves have the last name Elf unless otherwise stated. In addition, Elves have no gender, and usually appear androgynous. However, some may look more male or female. Either way, they’re the cutest beings you’ve ever seen! As of 2018, there are now 221 Enchanted Elves who aid Santa in his Christmas quest at North Pole City and around the world on various missions. Seven new Elves are born every century via a secret mystical process. Below is an impartial list in progress:
Enchanted Elves
- Chief Elf – Elmer Elf (One of the eight original elves)
- Assistant Chief Elf – Penny Elf
- Herbert Elf – North Pole Air Traffic Control Elf
- Sunny Elf – Saint Nicholas International Airport Elf
- Abe Elf – Manages the North Pole Synagogue and secret Hanukkah gift deliveries to kids around the world.
- Bonnie Elf – The lifeguard who watches the water
- Cameron Elf – In charge of dolls & toys that come to life within the magical confines of NPC.
- Eggnog Elf – Chief Nogger Of The Eggs
- Eggy Elf – Involved In All Egg Related Endeavors.
- Ernie Elf – Manager of Ernie Elf’s Enchanted Emporium
- Fraggle Elf – Known to run Mystic Investigations when the team is vacationing at North Pole City.
- Foxy Elf – North Pole City Blogger
- Gerbert Elf – 2nd Youngest Elf, aka, The Peppermint Ice Cream Bandit. Apprentice in training.
- Gobert Elf – Captain of the North Star. Santa’s ice breaker boat.
- Leah Elf – Involved in all strawberry related endeavors
- Iggy Elf – Manages the Internet Cafe.
- Nettie Elf – Runs the free WiFi Internet at North Pole City
- Baby Elf – Youngest Elf. Newborn Elves are named Baby until eventually given a name.
Human Elves
Special Humans who have the Spirit Of Christmas dwelling deep in their hearts may become Elves in every way except appearance. Usually Santa Claus chooses them for a unique mission in life and anoints them in his Angelic light. The original Elves themselves welcome them as kindred spirits as they radiate forth Elfin energies to supercharge the Human Elf’s soul!
- Noel Christmas – The First Human Elf
- Sandy The Human Elf – Manger Of Sandy’s Sugar Shack
- Casar Jacobson The Enchanted Human Elf (Casar Saves The World) – Among various missions of global betterment Casar is the Director of The Deaf Communications Center and in charge of spreading Christmas Cheer.
- Maggie Ann Cooper – Santa’s Toy Tester
- Amelia Cooper – Santa’s Toy Tester
- Philip Pelletier
If you feel you’re an Elf waiting to be discovered then post below and wait to see if your name appears on our list!
More To Be Listed Later…
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