The Annual Winter Solstice Yule Ceremony is held at North Pole City to celebrate all things Winter. It’s at this time that the largest amount of visitors from around the world converge upon the Winter Wonderland. Most are from the secret supernatural community looking for a much-deserved respite after battling the forces of darkness throughout the year. The sacred ceremony takes place in Claus Forest at the exact hour of the Solstice. Santa Claus wears a light blue suit while followed by several polar animals under his zoopathic control. Although, many are babies there are still large polar bears! At a holy altar, the first Yule log of the season is lit ablaze by Saint Nicholas as he focuses the enchanted energy of The Christmas Spirit into his very angelic hands.βοΈ
Jack Frost, the Primordial Winter God, enters the scene wearing a white robe with light and dark blue snowflakes and icicles. Jack brings forth a snowfall he created from the first flakes of the season. Santa blesses it holy to signify his reverence for Winter and its role in Mother Nature. Santa then presents Jack with a special small Christmas tree. It’s fashioned by elf artisans from metaphysical matter which came from the solidified energy of The Spirit Of Christmas. Jack blesses it to signify his acceptance of Christmas into the Winter fold he’s presided over for millions of years!
An Autumn Goddess then materializes in a flurry of colorful leaves to declare the official end of Autumn. She hands Jack a magical torch of burning leaves which turns into a flurry of burning snowflakes. At that point, the God Frost declares that Winter has begun! Applause and cheers bellow forth from the crowd that includes other Winter Gods, Goddesses, Nymphs, Fairies, and Elves. Even Earth’s own Goddess Gaia has been known to make an appearance. That’s when Jack sends sparkling fantastical flakes of snow forth upon the spectators. A few minutes of silence occur to take in the serenity of the solemn moment while some light candles.π Read The Rest Of The Story…