It is with elevated enchanted elation I, Saint Nicholas, do hereby announce the twelve nominees and winners of the 2022 Claus Award For Excellence In Deeds Of Goodness & Bravery. My recognition, and reward to those who give of themselves in the battle against the forces of darkness, the quest for peace, and the betterment of humanity. The pinnacle of awards in the paranormal community! All nominees stay as my personal guests at Claus Manor. The Winner receives a terrific trophy, a gold medal, a glorious gift basket, a certificate of achievement, and a lifetime of personal guidance from all of us at North Pole City! There are also two other awards. The Claus Lifetime Achievement Award is for those with a long expansive history in the supernatural world. There’s also the Claus Enchanted Entities Award for nature deities and various non-corporeal entities. These award winners are announced in advance without any nominees. The Claus Awards have been taking place annually on December 30th at 7:00 PM since 1742!🎅
The 2022 Claus Award Nominees
- Mystic Investigations | President Xavier Remington | Colorado, USA (2012 & 2016 Winner) (2014: Special Claus Lifetime Achievement Award)
- Van Helsing Vampire Hunters | President Hugh Van Helsing | Transylvania, Romania
- McTavish International Academy Of Magical Sciences | Headmaster Sorcerer Ian McTavish | Scotland (2014 Winner) (1911: Special Claus Lifetime Achievement Award)
- Raj Acharya Metaphysical Investigations | President Raj Acharya | India (2011 Winner)
- Seminary Of Supreme Sorcery | Sorcerer Supreme Elvira Winter | Black Forest Germany
- The Bayou Knights | Chief Napoleon Berengar | New Orlean, Louisiana
- Tanzania Psychokinetic College | Headmaster Akuchi Okeke | Tanzania
- Tsar’s Cossacks Corps (TCC) | Commander Kuban | Sochi, Russia
- Knights Of The Round Table | Grand Knight Evan Excalibur | Great Britain
- The Samurai Syndicate | Shogun Shiatsu | Japan
- Order Of The Enlightened Elf | Lord Ebenezzer Elf | Liechtenstein
- Ghost School Of Glasgow | Headmaster Robert Macquarrie | Glasgow, Scotland (2019 Winner)
🏆The Winner Of The 2022 Claus Award Is Mystic Investigations of Woodland Springs, Colorado. This exceptional organization of enchantment continually strives for excellence in battling the forces of darkness, protecting the innocent, and aiding humankind wherever they can around the world! Many of their brave exploits are done at their own expense while charging fees only to those who can afford it! This sensational supernatural crime-fighting firm falls under the leadership of President Xavier Remington, Executive Vice-President Drake Alexander, and Senior Vice-President Rebecca Abernathy. You can see a listing of their entire employee roster here. God Bless everyone at Mystic Investigations! Merry Christmas & Happy New Year To All!
The 2022 Special Claus Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to The Easter Bunny! The Easter Bunny, also known as Saint Egbert, has dedicated his life to fostering the Spirit Of Easter to instill peace and goodwill among humankind. The power of that Spirit is used by the supernatural righteous to protect the innocent from the forces of darkness. The brave Bunny himself has risked his own life to save children and other innocent people from malevolent monsters! May the everlasting blessing of the holy Lord fall upon the beautiful bunny until the end of time!
The 2022 Claus Enchanted Entities Award went to Natalia The Sea Nymph! As a former Mermaid, Natalia ascended to Nymphood upon her untimely death at the hand of despicable denizens of darkness. Now she fights to protect the Mermaids of the ocean along with all precious life within the wonderous waters. She recently saved dozens of children being shipped to the Middle East on a boat against their will in a horrifying human trafficking ring. Not only were the kids in danger from their kidnappers but also a raging Hurricane that could have easily sunk the boat! Natalia single-handedly took down the filthy fiends responsible for this atrocity and worked with others in the paranormal community to return the kids to their parents unharmed! God Bless You, Natalia!
The 2022 Claus Awards will take place at the North Pole City Banquet Hall on December 30th at 7:00 PM North Pole Standard Time. Those of you unable to attend can be there in spirit by merely wishing for it before you go to sleep, and you’ll be there in astral form as you dream. Of course, if there’s no room for you to materialize in the banquet hall you’ll really be there only in non-corporeal spirit! 🙂
Impartial List Of Previous Claus Award Winners
- 2011: Raj Acharya Metaphysical Investigations | Raj Acharya, President | India
- 2012: Mystic Investigations | Xavier Remington, President & CEO | Colorado
- 2013: Shala, Queen Of Halloween | Halloween Island (Accepted By Zamxuzza)
- 2014: McTavish International Academy Of Magical Sciences | Ian McTavish, Headmaster & Master Sorcerer. | Scotland
- 2015: Amazon Warrior Princess Adonia | Amazon Rainforest Brazil (2015 Nominees & Awards)
- 2016: Mystic Investigations | Xavier Remington, President & CEO | Colorado
- 2017: Cäsar Jacobson | Enchanted Human Elf | Exemplary aid for the deaf, disabled, and the empowerment of women around the world! | Canada
- 2018: Patriot Woman | Superhero | New York, USA
- 2019: Ghost School Of Glasgow | Headmaster Robert Macquarrie | Glasgow, Scotland
- 2020: Plague Doctor Pacifiers | Jean-Luc Tueur | Paris, France
- 2021: Yucatan Supernatural Sociedad | Pepe Lopez, President | Mexico
Previous Lifetime Achievement Winners
- 2014: Special Claus Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to Mystic Investigations!
- 2015: Special Claus Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to the United States based Ten Gallon Hat Metanatural’s for their continued fight against the forces of evil since the mid 1800’s!
- 2016: Special Claus Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to the California-based ZombieCorp, Inc and their continued prevention of the dreaded Zombie Apocalypse!
- 2017: Becky The Vampire Slayer
- 2018: Drake Alexander | Mystic Investigations
- 2019: Chen Dong | Dong’s Werewolf Hunters | China
- 2020: Hannah Hoffman | Hanna’s Healing Hands | Israel
- 2021: The Righteous Nephilim Paul Bunyan
Previous Enchanted Entities Winners
- 2015: Claus Enchanted Entities Award went to the Norse Gods Odin, Frigga, and Thor for a variety of good deeds including the banishment of the dreaded Friday The 13th Demon Specter.
- 2016: Claus Enchanted Entities Award went to Jack Frost.
- 2017: Goddess Gaia Mother Earth,
- 2018: Frost Fairy Fantasia
- 2019: Evangeline: Angel Of Heaven
- 2020: Goddess Of Love Aphrodite
- 2021:Inuit God Of Protection Torngarsuk
Past Claus Award Pages