The Sounds Of North Pole City
Authentic audio recorded on Main Street at North Pole City days before Christmas.🎅
The North Pole Television Network
The North Pole Network or NPN is the only local TV station that comes in on television sets for the residents and visitors of North Pole City. It came into existence in 1933 when the first TV’s manifested in the Christmas Capital. The other TV stations are from satellite dishes…
Does Santa Claus Deliver Gifts To Other Planets?
Are There Extraterrestrial Santa Claus’s On Other Planets? I, Saint Nicholas, was born upon this Earth as an Angel-Human Hybrid over 1,700 years ago. My Mother raised me as I psychically communed with my Heavenly Father. For the first 73 years, I lived as a human being to prove myself…
Santa Claus Was At Ground Zero During September 11th Attacks
Patriot Day is about remembering those who were tragically killed and injured in the terrorist attacks that destroyed the World Trade Center in New York City. This includes the heroes who died fighting to save the innocent victims of this horrific event. On this day the residents of North Pole…
The Enchantment Of The Eclipse Ceremony
On June 10, 2021 northern regions, including the North Pole, experienced an Annular Solar Eclipse. An Annular Eclipse occurs when the Moon is far enough away to not completely block out the sun thus creating an alluring Ring Of Fire around it. The light from such an eclipse is unholy…
The Time Tower Of Christmas Past
The Tower Of Christmas Past is the tallest structure at North Pole City. It is built around a temporal anomaly. A literal upside down time tornado has been slowly forming over the centuries due to the ever growing power of the Spirit Of Christmas along with a number of magically…
Santa Claus Saves Good Witches From A Sorcerer
At an undisclosed location in California, sometime in August 2020, this photo of Santa Claus was snapped by a spy working for the Anti-Claus. Luckily, the dark operative was apprehended by the forces of good. His data was confiscated before the Anti-Claus could see it. We’re revealing this image as…
Santa’s Holy Water Is Number One On Earth!
The Paranormal Society Of North America partook of some extensive supernatural testing over a five year period. Their final analysis indicates that Santa Claus aka St.Nicholas creates the most powerful holy water on Earth. Holy Water is water blessed by a Priest or holy person of any righteous religion on…
The World War 2 Christmas Miracle
Carl Dentai, his wife Teresa and five year old daughter Brigitta fled Hungary in the last days of World War II. The Soviet Red Army advanced in May 1945. Carl was lucky enough to survive a Nazi Death Camp and just barely avoid living under Soviet communist rule. His family…
Enter North Pole City
The photo above is one of the secret entrances to North Pole City. Santa Claus’s winter wonderland is under a massive cloaking spell so it’s effectively invisible until you’re several feet away. Utilization of a more powerful cloaking spell has been unnecessary thus far due to the remote polar location….
The Enchanted Elfin Afterlife
This entire article isn’t about an afterlife for Santa’s enchanted Elves. They are quite indestructible little fellas courtesy of the Christmas Force being strong in them. The Christmas Force is the intertwined energy enchantment of the Christmas Spirit and direct Life Force of the Demi-Angel Santa Claus. However an Elf isn’t invincible and could die outside the safe supernatural confines of North Pole City….
Santa Claus’s Polar Horses
North Pole City boasts a herd of Polar Horses bred by Santa Claus himself. They are descended from the Greek horses who used to pull his sleigh in ancient times before his flying reindeer came to be. Reindeer are more suited to flying and are more resistant to the forces…
Will Santa Leave Me A Gift If I’m Not Asleep?
Does Santa deliver to households where everyone is awake all night long? Mostly no. Not unless you’ve previously met him, or have been granted the honor to observe Saint Nicholas in action. For him to allow this he must see something special in you. Extremely young kids have the best chance but…